Why toothache occurs?
There are many possible causes for the pain in the tooth region. The most common are certainly tooth caries and conditions occurred as its consequence, for example pulpitis (the inflammation of the tooth nerve). The inconvenience may also be caused by the inflammation of gums, when due to the gums “recede”, a part of the tooth surface becomes bare and exposed to irritations. In such cases, patients are complaining of short flashing pain when consuming cold food and beverages. Not rarely, the pain and inflammation may occur as the consequence of food being stuck between the teeth. The pain is then described as blunt, with the feeling of pressure and mild pulsation. Somewhat less common occurrence is spreading of the pain from the surrounding regions – sinus, jaw joint, sublingual structure, neck …
What to do in case of the toothache?
The first and the most important step is – to contact the dentist and to make the first possible appointment!
We always advice our patients not to treat themselves and not to wait for the pain to pass “by itself”. It is O.K. to take a painkiller while waiting for the appointment with the dentist. Taking other medicaments (ampules, antibiotics…) and insertion of various substances into the tooth (plants, ointments, etc.) may complicate and/or mask the existing problem and cause of the pain. Waiting usually leads to worsening of pains and development of other symptoms: swellings, redness, fever …
Internet may be useful tool to inform the patient about the problem, possibly available treatment methods, but not the tool for self-diagnostics and self-treatment. The dentist is, therefore, a professional person, who should discover and resolve the cause of the pain, and the first person to turn to, if you have problem with your teeth
What will happen when I go to the dentist?
Your dentist will ask you about your general health condition and about the characteristics of the pain – when it has occurred; does your tooth ache on itself or as the reaction to hot/cold/sweet; how long does it last; does it go away when you take painkiller and for how long…
It is very important that you give detailed and correct answers, because they point to the diagnosis and therefore to the therapy. After talking to the dentist (taking anamnesis), teeth and surrounding tissue checkup follows. If necessary, the vitality of teeth is going to be examined by using the appropriate device (examination if the tooth is vital), and in certain cases, the dentist will send you to take the X-ray of the teeth.
Information obtained by the interview, examination and possibly applied other auxiliary methods (x-ray and the like) will enable your dentist to set the exact diagnosis. The next step is to apply the appropriate and timely therapy, and the outcome is – there is no more toothache!